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66492 人参与  2020年08月13日 10:03  分类 : 数据汇总  评论

Undergraduate Admissions Statistics

Notes for information
• These statistics refer to applications made from September 2018 onwards for admission to courses starting in October
2019 or by deferred entry to courses starting in October 2020. Applicants holding a deferred offer from previous
admissions rounds are not included. Please note that the statistics also exclude 318 applicants through UCAS who did
not submit a Supplementary Application Questionnaire (SAQ) in addition to a UCAS application, as required to
complete their submission to the University.
• The term ‘Home’ refers to applicants who have indicated in their UCAS application that they are permanently resident
in the UK. For more information about the UCAS application process please see:
• Offer figures refer to applicants who received a conditional or unconditional offer of a place.
• Acceptance figures include only those applicants who received an unconditional firm offer of a place. It excludes those
made conditional offers who were unsuccessful at confirmation.
• Success rate figures show the proportion of applicants accepted at confirmation.
• Percentages throughout have been rounded to one decimal place, so values given may not always add up to 100.
• Please note that the statistics are not intended for use in the University’s return to the Office for Students (OfS), as they
are calculated on a different basis.
• Equivalent tables for the previous application cycle may be found in:

剑桥大学(Cambridge)官网发布的2019年度报告(共32页)  数据 剑桥大学 英国大学 第1张
剑桥大学(Cambridge)官网发布的2019年度报告(共32页)  数据 剑桥大学 英国大学 第2张
剑桥大学(Cambridge)官网发布的2019年度报告(共32页)  数据 剑桥大学 英国大学 第3张
剑桥大学(Cambridge)官网发布的2019年度报告(共32页)  数据 剑桥大学 英国大学 第4张
剑桥大学(Cambridge)官网发布的2019年度报告(共32页)  数据 剑桥大学 英国大学 第5张



数据  剑桥大学  英国大学  微信公众号:scieok

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