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36730 人参与  2021年08月31日 16:20  分类 : 数据汇总  评论


China International School 

British Characteristics Ranking

2020中国国际学校“特色”排行榜:深国交轻松夺取“英式特色”榜首  数据 排名 第19张

British education is also currently one of the mainstream ways of talent cultivation in international schools. Students usually go to a British university or a university in Australia or Canada. British elite schools advocate students to discover and exert their advantages, develop an in-depth understanding in a professional field, and own a profound cultural background. International schools with prominent British characteristics are more beneficial to young people who tend to enter British universities.


China International School

Chinese Culture Characteristics Ranking

2020中国国际学校“特色”排行榜:深国交轻松夺取“英式特色”榜首  数据 排名 第20张

In the future, talents should understand the Western countries, and more importantly, understand China. Global development is closely connected with China. Whether you are in China or overseas in the future, you need to get in touch with Chinese people and Chinese culture. Understanding Chinese life wisdom also matters, especially the traditional Chinese culture, originating thousands of years ago with Confucianism as its main body. Chinese Culture education will empower the future career development of international school students with further potential.


China International School

Artistic Characteristics Ranking

2020中国国际学校“特色”排行榜:深国交轻松夺取“英式特色”榜首  数据 排名 第21张

Artistic literacy and artistic talents are both indispensable elements in society. Art doesn't emphasize quantitative research like many other disciplines. However, it highlights process, perception, imagination, and creation. Successful art education not only raises artistic understanding and professional skills, but also develops comprehensive qualities, such as art taste, the pursuit of perfection, perseverance, and expression. Either artistic atmosphere in school campus or the results of art-related majors admission can reflect the art education in international schools. 


China International School

Sports Characteristics Ranking

2020中国国际学校“特色”排行榜:深国交轻松夺取“英式特色”榜首  数据 排名 第22张

Sports can cultivate the basic qualities of future talents. Students who got admitted to top universities in the United States usually have rich experience in sports training. Doing sports can not only strengthen their body, but also teach them how to win within the rules and how to face success, failure, and overcome difficulties and challenges. Moreover, sports enable students to collaborate with peers to solve problems, which will make them stronger, boost their adaptability skills, establish correct values, and form complete personalities. International school students will benefit from good physical education in short-term and long-term development.


China International School

Language Characteristics Ranking

2020中国国际学校“特色”排行榜:深国交轻松夺取“英式特色”榜首  数据 排名 第23张

Multilingual teaching is one of the characteristics of international schools. English and Chinese are usually taught in international schools, and some international schools teach other languages. One language represents one culture. International schools with corresponding linguistic characteristics are more advantageous for young people who hope to be inspired by a particular language and culture.

Evaluation indicators

2020中国国际学校“特色”排行榜:深国交轻松夺取“英式特色”榜首  数据 排名 第24张


This indicator includes two sub-indicators: Certification by Mainstream Exam Committee, Certification by Mainstream Certification Authority.

Certification by Mainstream Exam Committee:

  • If IB course had been certificated by IBO

  • If AP course had been certificated by College Board

  • If IGCSE/A-Level course had been certificated by CIE

  • If IGCSE/A-Level course had been certificated by Edexcel

Certification by Mainstream Certification Authority:

  • NCCT


  • CIS

  • WASC




Faculty Competitiveness:

  • Faculty-Student Ratio

  • Percentage of Foreign Faculties

  • Percentage of Highly Educated Faculties (with Master Degree or Above)

Social Influence:

Sample Survey of Parents

Material assessment:

In addition to the KingLead's examination of basic information including certification and faculty competitiveness, and combining the school's performance, social reputation, industrial influence, and other factors,  KingLead submits the following content to the evaluation experts during the selection process of China's international school characteristics list:

1. The positioning and concept of the school in a particular field;

2. The school's resource input, faculty input, hardware input, and others in a particular area by 2020;

3. The achievements of the school in this characteristic field, including but not limited to various types of certification, awards, and achievements of student-related enrollment.

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 京领新国际



数据  排名  微信公众号:scieok

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