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深国交BPC商务实践社 | 不要标题只要你! -- 招新宣传

25126 人参与  2022年08月16日 08:03  分类 : 深国交BPC社  评论


商务 · 经济 · 学术 · 实践

深国交BPC商务实践社 | 不要标题只要你! -- 招新宣传  深圳国际交流学院 深国交商务实践社 第1张








BPC 2022年社团宣传片


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   01 我们是谁?
   Brief Introduction

BPC全称 Business Practice Club 商务实践社,深国交规模最庞大,历史最悠久的商务经济类社团,迄今已有12年历史。 

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02 我们做什么?
Our  Activities





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  BPCC商赛 | 2021-2022赛后特辑

    SUCC 线上天投擂台赛圆满闭幕!




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Rose Selling 玫瑰

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BPC学术 | 奈雪的茶如何跑赢同行上市?

BPC学术 | 竞争力Competitiveness

BPC学术 | 竞争力Competitiveness - 下

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03 我们的团魂
Our  Legacy

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BPC已经成功举办十一届商赛,跨越了十余载风雨兼程,很多人好奇这是怎么做到的。每一个BPCers ,都一定垂过头流过泪也无助过,但他们都怀揣这一切坚定的勇气走过了所有的路,认定的事情只有Must&How,从不动摇。正如第11届BPC社长Alina所说:"遇到的困难只有用勇气扛和跨一个选择,没有放弃。"正因为BPCers在深国交校园生活与日常学习中遇到的考验、历练,他们才能在社团活动里同样勇敢、无畏。




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在汇集了七届BPCers的学长学姐经验分享会中,第2届BPC学术部部长Dylan说道:"这场活动给我最大的感慨,是跨越十年,大家还是因为BPC---一个自己爱和充满热情的地方,聚集在一起,一起做热爱且有意义的事。这就是BPC Legacy,是这个地方最打动我的一点。"



在很多BPCers眼里,BPC就像是一个小型企业,学到的能力思维、接受的挑战涵盖了经营一个企业的所需。正如由9th BPC社长Autumn所提出的Must&How精神所述,一旦是下定决心要做的事情,即便遇到再大的困难,我们只会继续思考如何完成好这件事,而不会动摇做事的决心,借此来不断挑战自我。思考事物间的关联逻辑解决挑战中伴随的问题,不懂就Reach out。每当遇到看似不可能的挑战时,BPCers的耳边响起深国交老师们的教诲,于是他们不动摇、不畏难、不退缩,并不断接受挑战。

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Be  Brave & Passionate Challengers!

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04 你会收获什么?
What Do BPCers Get?




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Autumn 邱天

——Autumn 邱天

9th BPC社长



                                                        —— Alina 黄雅璇

11th BPC社长



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Yawen 伍娅闻

             —— Yawen 伍娅闻

12th BPC社长

我们一起爆肝赛制,然后透过酒店的玻璃眺望凌晨只有些许灯火的深圳;我们一起为了解决了大大小小的事情熬夜电话,也一起在成功时拿着炸鸡欢呼雀跃我们是BPCers,有着我们的BPC Story。


——Maddie 王祉涵

12th BPC公关部部长


——Sharon 徐荔心

12th BPC公关部副部长


——Kate 梁怡灵

11th BPC综合部副部长


 ——Nicole 杨舒晴

12th BPC副社长


1.学术能力 在完成种种任务时,我需要独立地搜寻各种资料,并透过不同数据挖掘事物本质,这既锻炼了我信息管理能力,还锻炼了我对数据的敏感程度独立思考的能力

2. 我在今年亲身亲历了BPCC商赛的运作:作为整个BPC组委会的智囊团,我们有效解决了诸多学术问题,帮助组委会成功协调了比赛;这让我的团队协作能力和沟通能力得到了大幅度的提升

3. 我结交了许多志同道合的朋友,收获了真挚的友谊,我们共同分享彼此的见解,不断学习,一起进步。

——Joy 李天悦

11th BPC学术部部长

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05 活动时间线
Activities Timeline

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策划部副部长 Rita 邹欣彤



文案| Maddie Sharon Yawen


排版|Maddie Sharon Hank

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   Brief Introduction

BPC (Business Practice Club) is the largest business and economic high school club in Shenzhen with a history of 12 years. BPC is organized by a group of students in SCIE. 
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 photos BPC's activities — scroll to see more
As the first student organization in South China to hold business competition independently, BPC has successfully carried out 11 business practice competitions since 2011. A total number of 15,000 participants from Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Wuhan and other parts of the country involved in BPC’s competitions.

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Our  Activities


Holding business competitions

BPC's annual business practice competition attracts thousands of contestants from all over the country. In the BPC business competition, contestants solve a nearby problem and generate a business idea with the help of academic guidance.Brainstorming, product prototype design, road show and investment negotiationare both academic and challenging, enabling contestants to experience the real business world while improving their academic abilities in cooperation, negotiation and problem solving.

BPC's Organizing Committee will select the most maneuverable, innovative and valuable project based on the fair and just competition system. The winning team will receive BPC’s investment funds to launch its project and transform its ideas into a business plan and finally into the real business world.

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The successful holding of a business competition cannot be separated from the cooperation and collaboration between each department, as well as the hard work and unlimited creativity of each member.

The planning department needs to design a business plan evaluation competition system that is closest to the business environment and challenges the contestants’ abilities in many aspects. The academic department should check the academic rigor of the competition and provide any necessary business knowledge for the competition. The publicity department needs to improve the visibility of the competition and attract more contestants with innovative ideas to realize their dreams on the stage of BPC. The PR departmentneeds to provide the most solid financial support for the competition. The general department needs to answer questions at any time, provide logistics support for the competition and provide the best competition experience.

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In the process of organizing business competition, you can communicate and exchange ideas with students who are interested in business and economy inside and outside the school, and improve your ability and courage to organize large-scale activities. In cross-regional cooperation, you have the opportunity to see more diverse values and enhance social networks from all over the country. Although the process is challenging, it can also create a group of hard work and perseverance of talent - will it be you?

Articles from previous competitions


  BPCC商赛 | 2021-2022赛后特辑

    SUCC 线上天投擂台赛圆满闭幕!


Incubating business projects

BPC has broken the barrier between the real business world and the virtual system of the business competition since the 10th business practice competition by selecting the winning project through the simulated investment negotiator competition and putting the project into actual operation. Members of the project group will have an in-depth understanding of the whole process of a start-up business from inception to financing to formation, and explore the real business world personally.

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Selling machine for printed books in mystery boxes

Up to now, the winner of the 10th business competition, the project that creates the machine that combines mystery box with book selling has been formed and put into Vanke Meisha Academy, and the books are also being put into place. The incubation of the winners of the 11th competition has also been put on the agenda, waiting for the products to be finalized.


Rose selling 

As night fell on Halloween, the BPC booth was lined with clusters of delicate roses. In front of the booth, groups of students discussed how many roses they would receive this year and who sent them… As the initiator of SCIE’s Halloween rose selling tradition, BPC plays the role of rose delivery man on Halloween, sending roses and postcards symbolizing friendship, love and gratitude to every student.

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Rose Selling

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The rose delivery staffs of BPC will not only get a "thank you" from the students when they get the flowers, but also exercise their communication and coordination skills, and have the opportunity to apply the knowledge of pricing, sales and logistics learned from the textbook to real life.

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BPC's group photo at 2021 Halloween Night


Academic lectures

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A thriving community cannot keep on running without a solid academic foundation and reserves. The academic department of BPC gathers the economic and business elites of the school, regularly carries out academic classes and lectures to explain knowledge and share real time economic hot spots for the whole club members, laying a solid economic and business foundation for the members, and making everyone have the ability to participate in the planning and organization of the business competition.

We are committed to developing the elites needed in today's society with more diverse values, greater understanding and stronger academic ability. At BPC, you will explore how theory and real market conditions can be "conjured up", and you will be amazed at how extensive and practical business knowledge can be.

Previous academic articles

BPC学术 | 奈雪的茶如何跑赢同行上市?

BPC学术 | 竞争力Competitiveness

BPC学术 | 竞争力Competitiveness - 下

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Our  Legacy

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Seven generations of BPCers

1/ Bravery

BPC has successfully held 11 business competitions, spanning more than ten years of trials and challenges. Many people wonder how this is done. Every BPCers must have experienced helplessness and depression, but they have carried all their firm courage, determined only Must&How, never wavering. As the 11th BPC President Alina said: "We only have once choice when we met difficulties, that is to solve it." Because of the experiences and challenges BPCers have encountered in campus life and daily study, they are also brave and fearless in club activities.

2/ Passion

In the past 11 years, thousands of BPCers have forged the current BPC with their full enthusiasm. Because we understand the meaning of BPC, love in this warm family, and the hardships we have encountered together, we are always willing to be around when BPCers face difficulties. In the future, we will continue to pass on this enthusiasm, leading and encouraging more SCIErs with the help of SCIE and all the teachers.
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Dylan is sharing his experiences in the panel talk.

In a sharing session of the elder students, a seventh BPCers, Dylan, the director of the second BPC academic department, said: "What impressed me most about this event was that after ten years, we still gathered together because of BPC, a place that we love and are passionate about, and we do what we love and are meaningful together. That's the BPC Legacy, and that's what struck me most about this place."

3/ Challenge

For many BPCers, BPC is like a small business. We are learning the ability to think and take on challenges that cover the needs of running a business. As described in the Must&How spirit proposed by 9th BPC President Autumn, we will only continue to think about how to complete it once it is a task we have made up our mind to do. We will never shake our determination to reach a target but challenge ourselves, even if we continuously encounter great difficulties. Think about the logic of the correlation between things and solve the problems that accompany the challenge. If you don't understand, you Reach out. When confronted with seemingly impossible challenges, BPCers remind themselves of the teachings of SCIE teachers, so they do not waver, do not fear, do not shrink back, and continue to accept the challenge.

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Kathy is explaining the competition system to SUCC participants.

Kathy, President of the 10th BPC, gave an example: "The 2021 SUCC final is the most challenging thing I have ever experienced in my life. I thought the original plan was all disrupted due to the pandemic, and I even thought the final might not be held. But when I finally finished, it was very satisfying to see how well everyone responded to the competition."


Be  Brave & Passionate Challengers!

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What Do BPCers Get?

What BPCers say about BPC

I joined BPC from G1 and stayed in BPC for 3 years. These three years have been especially valuable to me. In these three years, I experienced many "firsts" in my life: the first time to negotiate with a big company, the first time to sign a contract, the first time to negotiate with a school to hold a great event. Once when I was talking about sponsorship, the bank manager said to me, "Students from BPC are really different. I have met students from many different international schools, but the students from BPC seem to be very calm and courteous."

Maybe BPC students are really different. In BPC, I got a lot of opportunities, especially more practical opportunities to connect with the society directly; That’s something other high schools or clubs are missing. After joining BPC, I realized that this is a large and warm family. I am the 9th president of BPC. I also know the founding president of BPC through BPC platform. From the 1st, 2ndand now the 12th, we are all connected by the BPC community. When we chat, we often praise and cherish our experience in BPC.

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Autumn Qiu

——Autumn Qiu

9th BPC Chairperson

Currently attending Brown University

What BPC means to me is to step out of the comfort zone: Contact and cooperation with enterprises, business negotiation, leading the team, event planning, writing the competition format, graphic design and typesetting, copywriting logic, speech appeal, market research, investment perspective... Even how to waltz, how to raise roses. In BPC, I realized my potential and opened my eyes to a wider horizon.

                                                        —— Alina Huang

11th BPC Chairperson

Before I joined BPC, I used to think that such excellent business competition must have received help from teachers or adults. When I joined BPC and realized that all this was done independently by students, I couldn't help but feel ashamed of my own superficiality. I was very lucky to be able to work with such a group of excellent peers, and I was even more surprised that I was a part of making a business competition happen.

The friendly, innovative and diligent atmosphere in BPC makes me feel happy and belonging, which makes me want to protect it.

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Yawen Wu

             —— Yawen Wu

12th BPC Chairperson

We have worked intensely to improve the competition format, and then through the glass of the hotel we looked at the small lights of Shenzhen at midnight; In order to solve all kinds of things we stayed up late all night phone calling each other, and together, we cheered for our success with fried chicken caper; We are BPCers with our BPC Story.   

——Maddie Wang

12th BPC Head of Pubiclity Department

The professional knowledge in the field of business and economy of the school curriculum regularly appears in the club meetings of BPC, which has a high degree of difficulty and professionalism. At the same time, the members of the academic group convey the knowledge to me and every member in an easy way to understand, and benefit a lot.

——Sharon Xu

12th BPC Vice-Head of Publicity Department

During the past two years in BPC, I not only made many like-minded friends, but also improved my own abilities, such ascommunication skills, leadership skills, coordination skills and organizational skills. BPC is a warm family where we can learn from each other and make progress together.

——Kate Liang

11th BPC Vice-Head of General Department

BPC is a life body full of vitality, everyone shares a common goal and is filled with enthusiasm to let young people's dreams take root and sprout. During the two years in BPC, I have gained the spiritual inheritance of “must & how” and the care and warmth from the big family.

 ——Nicole Yang

12th BPC Vice Chairperson

Let me talk about my takaways during three years at BPC:
  1. 1.  Academic ability: When completing various tasks, I need to search various materials independently and mine the essence of things through different data, which not only exercises my information management ability, but also exercises my ability to think independently and sensitively to data.
  2. 2. I personally experienced the operation of BPCC Business Competition this year: as the “think tank” of the whole BPC Organizing committee, we effectively solved many academic problems and helped the organizing committee to successfully coordinate the competition; This greatly improved my teamwork and communication skills.
  3. 3. I have made many like-minded friends and gained sincere friendship. We share each other's opinions, keep learning and make progress together.

——Joy Li

11th BPC Head of Academic Department

After reading the description of BPC,
are you wondering what does each department 
is responsible for?
Click to picture to read the description of departments.

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Sign up for selection interview

Scan the QR code below to fill in the application form!

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The heads of each department will email the details about the interviews soon.

Please add senior's to join in the group chat of BPC.

深国交BPC商务实践社 | 不要标题只要你! -- 招新宣传  深圳国际交流学院 深国交商务实践社 第51张

Vice-Head of Planning Department Rita Zou

In order to ensure a good communication atmosphere in the recruiting group, we need to verify everyone's SCIErs identity according to school regulations before adding anyone into the group chat. 

Although the process is a little troublesome, you can either join the recruiting group or add to the WeChat account of the excellent and lovely senior!


Writing| Maddie, Sharon, Yawen

Pictures|Previous BPC's committees

Design|Maddie, Sharon, Hank, Yawen

深国交BPC商务实践社 | 不要标题只要你! -- 招新宣传  深圳国际交流学院 深国交商务实践社 第52张

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