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In order to commemorate the countless days and nights along the way of BPC, we are now launching a series of BPC Family Tree tweets. We also thank all former BPC chairpersons and members for their efforts to build BPC into such a lively club. Come and meet the outstanding seniors of BPC!
This tweet will introduce the first six chairpersons and heads of departments of BPC.
Former Chairs
1st & 2nd
Bingran Zeng Jane
Founder & Second Chairperson of BPC (2011-2013)
Graduated from SCIE in 2014
Experiences in student organizations & clubs of SCIE :
Secretary of SCIE MUN
Personal Experience & Career Path :
-Boston College Centre for International Higher Education PhD candidate
-Harvard Graduate School of Education '20 International Education Policy
-Vanderbilt University '18 Ingram Scholar Full of Human and Organizational Development & Second Language Studies Scholarship
- Head of the Centre for Knowledge Production and Dissemination, UNESCO Centre for Innovation in Higher Education
- Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Ethiopia - Policy Research Consultant
- Hanover Institute - Management Consulting and Research in Higher Education
The time I was in BPC was the happiest and most influential time in my high school. I not only found my enthusiasm for education through BPC, but also made a group of like-minded friends. The original intention of establishing BPC is to create a space and a stage for high school students in Shenzhen to learn and practice business knowledge. In G1, I never expected that BPC would grow into such a mature and capable team within just ten years under the leadership of SCIE students. The success of BPC today belongs to everyone who has the courage to try and make unremitting progress. I hope we can maintain our original vision and forge ahead. You have a strong alumni network behind you to cheer you on!
Number of members:
60+ people
Summary of the Business Competition :
2012, the first business invited 60 participants from 5 Shenzhen schools (12 teams in total)
In 2013, the second Business Competition expanded the scale of the competition to Shenzhen and Guangzhou, inviting more than 30 teams from Shenzhen and Guangzhou, and 18 teams entered the final. The total number of participants reached more than 300.
Heads of Departments:
The first Head of the Public Relations Department Keyu Wang (Keyu)
Personal Experience & Career Path :
- GM Engineer
The first Head of Support Department Shuhan Liu (Susan)
Personal Experience & Career Path :
- NYU - Duke
The second Head of the Public Relations Department Elaine
Personal Experience & Career Path :
- Internship and work in Consulting Department of Deloitte
Che Huang Sophie
The Third Chairperson of BPC (2013-2014)
Graduated from SCIE in 2015
Experience in student organizations & clubs of SCIE :
- SCIE Treasurer (2013-2014)
- Prefect, Head Prefect
- MUN and International Awards
Personal Experience & Career Path :
- Bachelor's degree in Hotel management at New York University
- Master's degree, Tsinghua University, Schwarzman Scholar
- ByteDance commercial operations abroad
At this time in 2011, the moment I received a flyer from Bingran, I did not know that my life would be changed because of it. This connection with BPC enabled me to gain many valuable friendships that have been maintained till now. It enabled me to initially distinguish what I like and what I am good at when I applied for university. The most important thing is to feel the joy and sense of accomplishment of doing. Looking back from today - approximately ten years later, I can see more directly the tremendous change BPC brought to me - it built my self-confidence, gave me the ability to make decisions, gave me the determination to fight for what I am good at, and more importantly, can accept my own flaws. No one is perfect. It takes confidence and courage to admit that we are all imperfect in some aspects and accept advice with an open mind. It also takes confidence and courage to seek help from the team.
From the above, you can probably get a sense of how special BPC is to me. Therefore, I believe that every student who is about to or has joined BPC can be like me, through the experience in BPC, get a full range of exercise, harvest some valuable wealth that you may not realize at the moment, but will eventually make you feel a lot in the long run ~
(Don't say that I am advertising BPC. After all, the glaring personal experience of our former chairpersons is a proof! Hahaha ~
Number of members:
50+ people
Summary of the Business Competition:
- The first inter-provincial promotion with participants from 3 provinces. More than 2,000 entries were received for the preliminary round.
Initiated the tradition of business ball, which is one of the earliest dance balls in Shenzhen high school clubs.
Heads of Departments:
The third Head of Support Department Xinhui Hong (Helen)
Personal Experience & Career Path :
- In 2016, graduated from SCIE. Enrolled with scholarship in the University of Notre Dame
- Joined McKinsey's Chicago office as a business analyst in management consulting
The third Head of the Academic Department / Deputy Head of the Planning Department Zhaoyi Huang (Marcus)
Personal Experience & Career Path :
- UCSD CS+ECON undergrad
- UCLA MS CS + researcher in UCLA Anderson Business school
The third Head of the Planning Department Jinpeng Han
Personal Experience & Career Path :
- UVA - Oxford - EYP
Xinhui Hong Helen
The Fourth Chairperson of BPC (2014-2015)
Graduated from SCIE in 2016
Experience in student organizations & clubs of SCIE :
- Head of English Department of the Students’ Union (2014-2015)
- Chairperson of the Students' Union (2015-2016)
Personal Experience & Career Path :
- graduated from SCIE in 2016 and enrolled in the University of Notre Dame
- Joined McKinsey's Chicago office as a business analyst in management consulting
"BPC has provided platform for me to meet outstanding peers from all over the country, training opportunities and resources beyond the imagination of high school students, invaluable revolutionary friendship, and unforgettable memories closely linked with all the important moments of the four years in SCIE."
Although I have graduated from SCIE for many years, I would get together with other BPCers and even the new people I have never met before. Today, the seniors are still doing great things around the world, and younger BPCers are also building a better BPC. BPC has given me so much: success and failure, courage to try and ambition to soar, writing practices that IGCSE Chinese has not given to me in two years, and staying up late and getting up early that I can't afford even in assessment weeks. BPC has given me a team and taught me how valuable it is to have company and support, to have someone waiting for you to have dinner together after a meeting. For you, a thousand times. ❤️
Number of members:
55 people
Summary of the Business Competition:
The scale of the competition reached 2300+ participants.
Heads of Departments :
The fourth Deputy Chairperson Yishi Zhang (Yishi)
Personal Experience & Career Path :
- Former Chairperson of Chinese Students and Scholars Association in London School of Economi
- Blackstone Real Estate Fund Asset Management Internship
- Full time equity team, Investment Banking Department, CICC
The fourth Director of Public Relations / Vice Chairperson Yuqing Cao (Cynthia)
Personal Experience & Career Path :
-Brown University Undergraduate + graduate
- Previously worked at Blackstone and Webank in Hong Kong
- Now working as an investment banking analyst at Citi in New York
The fourth Head of Support Department Jiayi Zhang (Alice)
Personal Experience & Career Path :
- bachelor degree UCSD
- Graduate school at Columbia University
Kaiqian Lu Kelly
The Fifth Chairperson of BPC (2015-2016)
Graduated from SCIE in 2017
Personal Experience & Career Path :
- Imperial College Materials 4th year
Remarks :
BPC was the first time for me to step into the society when I was in high school. From making the first phone call to finding sponsors, organizing the first publicity meeting, to speaking at the finals for the first time as the president, all these are new challenges for me. The friends I met in BPC later became very important friends in my life, who accompanied me through high school and into college. I hope all the students can challenge themselves again and again in BPC, and those who go through BPC will become very important friends in the future.
Number of members :
56 people
Heads of Departments:
The fifth vice Chairperson Jiani Li (Janet)
Personal Experience & Career Path :
- Researcher at UCLA Social Cognitive Neuroscience lab
The fifth Vice Head of planning department Leyi Shang (Sherry)
Personal Experience & Career Path :
- bachelor degree UCSD
- Huawei algorithm engineer
Minqi Pan Minky
The 6th Chairperson of BPC (2016-2017)
Graduated from SCIE in 2018
Personal Experience & Career Path :
Imperial College London
Remarks :
It was the first time that BPC held the whole business competition at Sheraton in 2018, which was a very proud moment for me. The most touching thing in BPC is the friendship that everyone is working towards the same goal and pulling together to do the same thing. I’ve made so many good friends and had so many memories that I want to preserve forever.
In BPC, I learned to fight for my individual rights and interests like an adult, to find ways to remedy setbacks immediately instead of complaining and flinching, and to talk with new people I have never met before but many of them become my lifelong friends.
BPC is a gigantic platform that gives everyone unlimited opportunities. In BPC for three years, more than 3,000 people have been added to my WeChat list. As long as you pay the effort, there will be unexpected harvest.
Number of members :
50 people
After being founded for 6 years, what changes and legacy has BPC experienced? Stay tuned for the last half chapter of BPC Family Tree and get to know the stories of 7th to 12th chairs of BPC!
Interview Registration Steps
1. Scan the blue code to register for recruitment interview
2. Join BPC group chat by adding the senior’s WeChat
WeChat ID: zxttt_712
Vice Head of Planning Department Rita Zou
3. Join department interview group chats by the QR code sent in BPC group chat
4. Select the appropriate interview time from the share documents in the interview group chats
5. Wait for the confirmation email and attend the online meeting on time
6. The results of interviews will be sent by email
Writing|BPC seniors Sharon
Translation | Sharon
Pictures|BPC committees BPC seniors
Design|Scarlett Sharon Yawen
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