关于iGEM: 国际基因工程机器大赛(iGEM)始于2003年,由麻省理工学院(MIT)创办,是一项面向全球的合成生物学竞赛。iGEM旨在鼓励学生通过团队合作,设计和构建新的生物系统,解决现实世界的问题。每年,来自世界各地的团队都会在iGEM的舞台上展示他们的项目,角逐各类奖项。
iGEM (“International Genetically Engineered Machine”) is a worldwide synthetic biology competition aimed at promoting the safe and open development of engineered biology. iGEM started at MIT as an IAP (“Independent Activities Period”) course in January 2003 before becoming a competition in 2004 and growing to hundreds of teams in more than 40 countries globally today.
iGEM("国际基因工程机器")是一项世界性的合成生物学竞赛,旨在促进工程生物学的安全和开放发展。iGEM 于 2003 年 1 月作为 IAP("独立活动期")课程在麻省理工学院启动,2004 年成为一项竞赛,如今已发展到全球 40 多个国家的数百个团队。
In iGEM, student-led teams devise an independent research project in a iGEM track of their choosing, ranging from diagnostics to nutrition to manufacturing. The goal is identify a problem, devise gene circuits to address it, and demonstrate a proof of concept in the lab.
在 iGEM 中,学生领导的团队在他们选择的 iGEM 赛道中设计一个独立的研究项目,范围从诊断到营养到制造。目标是找出一个问题,设计基因电路来解决问题,并在实验室中展示概念验证。
The MIT iGEM team consists of students from a wide range of departments and disciplines, including biology, bioengineering, electrical engineering and computer science, math, chemistry, mechanical engineering, architecture, and more. Since 2003, the MIT iGEM team has been supported by the MIT Synthetic Biology Center and the Weiss Lab, and is currently operating out of the Huang-Hobbs BioMaker Space (HHBMS).
MIT iGEM 团队由来自多个院系和学科的学生组成,包括生物学、生物工程、电气工程和计算机科学、数学、化学、机械工程、建筑学等。自 2003 年以来,麻省理工学院 iGEM 团队得到了麻省理工学院合成生物学中心和 Weiss 实验室的支持,目前在 Huang-Hobbs BioMaker Space (HHBMS) 之外运营。
MIT iGEM projects have focused on a wide range of topics. Below are the titles of projects previous years have worked on:
麻省理工学院 iGEM 项目关注的主题非常广泛。以下是往年的项目名称:
2004: Synchronized chemotactic oscillators
2005: Making bacteria produce proinsulin in response to glucose
2006: Eau d'e coli - engineered scent systems in E. coli
2007: Using surface display of polystyrene-binding proteins and heavy metal promoters to remove mercury from water
2008: Drug delivery through yogurt
2009: Localizing proteins with light
2010: Programmable, self-constructing biomaterials
2011: Mammalian cell patterning and tissues by design
2012: Encoding genetic logic in small RNA-based logic gates
2013: Synthetic cell-to-cell communication for synthetic tissues
2014: Improving the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's disease
2015: Turning agricultural waste into biofuels
2016: Diagnosing endometriosis
2017: Using dCas13a to control alternative splicing in mammalian cells
2018: Reducing cavities by circumventing biofilm formation
2019: Directed migration of neutrophil-like cells through engineered chemokine secretion
2020: Synthetic mammalian circuitry for graded treatment of COVID-19 cytokine storms
2021: Probiotic treatment for Maple Syrup Urine Disease
2022: GSHield, a smart glutathione patch to prevent oral mucositis
2023: CAR-P Diem, engineering macrophages to degrade IL-6, a driver of cancer cachexia
2024: Targeting cancer metastasis
2004: 同步趋化振荡器
2005: 使细菌对葡萄糖产生原胰岛素反应
2006: Eau d'e coli--大肠杆菌中的工程气味系统
2007: 利用聚苯乙烯结合蛋白的表面显示和重金属促进剂去除水中的汞
2008: 通过酸奶给药
2009: 用光定位蛋白质
2010: 可编程自构造生物材料
2011: 哺乳动物细胞模式化和组织设计
2012: 用基于小 RNA 的逻辑门编码遗传逻辑
2013: 合成组织的合成细胞间通信
2014: 改善阿尔茨海默病的诊断和治疗
2015: 将农业废弃物转化为生物燃料
2016: 诊断子宫内膜异位症
2017: 利用dCas13a控制哺乳动物细胞中的替代剪接
2018: 通过规避生物膜形成减少龋齿
2019: 通过工程化趋化因子分泌引导中性粒细胞样细胞迁移
2020: 用于分级处理 COVID-19 细胞因子风暴的合成哺乳动物电路
2021: 枫糖浆尿病的益生菌治疗
2023: CAR-P Diem:用工程学方法使巨噬细胞降解导致癌症恶病质的IL-6
2024: 针对癌症转移
2024 MIT-iGEM参赛项目视频:Targeting cancer metastasis
Did you know that cancer metastasis is responsible for 90% of cancer-related deaths?
That's why we came up with MetaPlate, a platelet-based therapeutic to detect circulating tumor cell (CTC) clusters, preventing cancer metastasis at its root cause.
ref: https://igem.org/
恭喜MIT-iGEM团队获得了2024 iGEM本科组金牌
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