Enrollment to U.K. Universities
Indicator System
The ranking evaluats international schools' competitiveness by three core dimensions: International Certification, Faculty and Enrollment to Universities.
International Certification
This indicator includes two sub indicators: Certification by Mainstream Exam Committee Authorized Agency, Certification by Mainstream International Certification Authority.
Certification by Mainstream Exam Committee Authorized Agency:
If IB course has certificated by IBO
If IGCSE/A-Level course has certificated by CIE
If IGCSE/A-Level course has certificated by Edexcel
If AP course has certificated by College Board
Certification by Mainstream International Certification Authority:
Faculty-Student Ratio
Proportion of Foreign Faculties
Proportion of Faculties who are Highly Educated (Master Degree or Above)
Enrollment to Universities
Based on the ranking of universities which students entered according to 2020 U.S. News best National University Rankings, there are six sub indicators:
Number of students entering Top 3 Universities
Number of students entering TOP 4-10Universities
Number of students entering TOP 11-20 Universities
Number of students entering TOP 21-30Universities
Number of students entering TOP 31-40Universities
Number of students entering TOP 41-50Universities
Based on the ranking of universities which students entered TOP 100 universities according to the 2019 U.S. News best Global University Rankings in U.K., there are six sub indicators:
Number of students entering Top 2 Universities in U.K. in TOP 100 universities
Number of students entering TOP 3 Universities in U.K. in TOP 100 universities
Number of students entering TOP 4-5 Universities in U.K. in TOP 100 universities
Number of students entering TOP 6-8 Universities in U.K. in TOP 100 universities
Number of students entering TOP 9-10 Universities in U.K. in TOP 100 universities
Number of students entering other Universities in U.K. in TOP 100 universities
Indicators & Weight
Rating System
Based on the ranking results, the competitiveness level of each school is rated as below:
Schools ranking TOP 1-3 are rated as "AAAAA", Schools ranking TOP 4-10 are rated as "AAAA", Schools ranking TOP 11-30 are rated as "AAA", Schools ranking TOP 31-50 are rated as "AA", Schools ranking TOP 51-100 are rated as "A", Schools ranking TOP 101-200 are rated as "TOP100", Schools ranking TOP 201-300 are rated as "TOP300".
Data Processing
1.The data is collected from public resources, including official website of IBO, official website of CIE, official website of Edexcel, official website of CollegeBoard,official website of NCCT, official website of NEASC, official website of CIS, official website of WASC, official website of ACAMIS, official website of EARCOS, official website of FOBISIA, official website & WeChat Subscription of international schools and database of Kinglead .
2. If the data of Enrollment to Universities of class of 2019 is not found or the data is not clear about year or campus, the school will not be included in this ranking.
3. The maximum score of a school for each indicator is 100, the lowest score is 0. The rest of school will assign with value in proportion. After calculating and weighting all 20 indicators, the maximum score will be converted to 100 and the rest of school will assign with value in proportion.
4.For the indicator of enrollment to universities, because of the difference degree of data disclosure, the number of enrolled students is calculated according to the methods as below:
1) For the school directly announced their students' choice of universities, directly count enrolled students’ number and their university.
2) For the school only announced students' offers from universities but did not disclosure their final choice, count the highest rank university offer for each student.
3) For the school only announced the overall offer number of all the students but did not disclosure their final choice, assume each student get 5 offers and divide the overall offer number from each university by 5. If the result of a university larger than 0 but smaller than 1, count as 1.
4) For the school only announced the list of universities but did not disclosure the specific number of offers and the final choice of students, assume there is 1 offer issued by each university.
5) For the school announced part of the enrollment data, only the announced data are used.
6) In other cases, the data is considered missing.TOP10
As to the ranking of enrollment to the U.S., 4 of the top 10 international schools are from Beijing, which ranks No.1 in all cities. The top 3 international schools are SDSZ International Department, International Department, The Affiliated High School of SCNU and Nanjing Foreign Language School, International Department.
As to the ranking of enrollment to the U.K., 3 of the top 10 international schools are from Shanghai, which ranks No.1 in all cities. The top 3 international schools are Shenzhen College of International Education, Wuhan Britain-China School and Shanghai Experimental Foreign Language School.
As to the ranking of enrollment to the U.S., the 20 international schools ranking 11-30, Shanghai has the highest proportion of all cities, with 5 international schools in total; Beijing has 3 international schools, and Wuxi and Shenzhen have 2 international schools respectively.
As to the ranking of enrollment to the U.K., 20 international schools ranking 11-30, both Shanghai and Suzhou have 4 international schools in total, followed by Beijing, with 3 international schools selected.
In the ranking of enrollment to the U.S, top 11-30, the best ranked international schools are Shanghai Qibao Dwight High School, International School of Beijing and Hangzhou Foreign Languages School, cambridge A-level Centre.
In the ranking of enrollment to the U.K, top 11-30, the best ranked international schools are Peking University Experimental School(JIA XING), Shang Hai Ming Yuan Bilingual High School and Shanghai Qibao Dwight High School.
Top 31-50
As to the ranking of enrollment to the U.S., the 20 international schools ranking 11-30, Shanghai has the Shanghai has the highest proportion of all cities, with 5 international schools in total; Beijing has 3 international schools, and Wuxi and Shenzhen have 2 international schools respectively.
As to the ranking of enrollment to the U.K., 20 international schools ranking 11-30, both Shanghai and Suzhou have 4 international schools in total, followed by Beijing, with 3 international schools selected.
In the ranking of enrollment to the U.S, top 31-50, the best ranked international schools are Shanghai United International School,Gubei Secondary Campus, International Department of Beijing NO.35 High School and Jinling High School, International Department.
In the ranking of enrollment to the U.K, top 31-50, the best ranked international schools are Shenzhen Middle School (Experimental Curriculum), Cambridge International Centre of Hangzhou Yulan School and International Department of Shude High School.
In a conclusion, among all the international schools selected as top 50, Beijing and Shanghai have the most schools selected both in the ranking of enrollment to U.S. and the ranking of enrollment to U.K.;
One international school is selected in Changsha, Chongqing, Taizhou, Jiaxing, Foshan, Changchun, Yancheng, Dalian, Daqing Xi'an Nantong and Lanzhou are selected in the ranking of enrollment to U.S. or the ranking of enrollment to U.K..
Enrollment to Universities
When it comes to the competitiveness of enrollment to universities:
SDSZ International Department ranks No.1 in the ranking of enrollment to the U.S., Nanjing Foreign Language School, International Department ranks No.2, International Department, The Affiliated High School of SCNU ranks No.3.
Shenzhen College of International Education ranks No.1 in the ranking of enrollment to the U.K., Wuhan Britain-China School ranks No.2, and Ulink College of Shanghai ranks No.3.
When it comes to the competitiveness of faculty:
Shang Hai Ming Yuan Bilingual High School ranks No.1 in the ranking of enrollment to the U.S., Cambridge International Centre-DaQing ranks No.1 Middle School ranks No.2, Suzhou North America High School ranks No.3.
Peking University Experimental School(JIA XING) ranks No.1 in the ranking of enrollment to the U.K., Shang Hai Ming Yuan Bilingual High School ranks No.2, and Cambridge International Centre-DaQing No.1 Middle School ranks No.3.
International Certification
When it comes to the competitiveness of international certification:
Dulwich College Beijing and Dulwich College Suzhou both rank No.1 in the ranking of enrollment to the U.S. and ranking of enrollment to the U.K., followed by Shenzhen College of International Education.
Ranking by Primary Indicators
1.The data is normalized because of the difference level of data disclosure,and there could be difference between the ranking result and the competitive level of a specific school.
2.This ranking is announced by Kinglead. Kinglead has the copyright and other relevant rights and interests, and reserves the right to the final interpretation of the ranking.
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