John Locke Essay Competition
The John Locke Institute encourages young people to cultivate the characteristics that turn good students into great writers: independent thought, depth of knowledge, clear reasoning, critical analysis and persuasive style. Our Essay Competition invites students to explore a wide range of challenging and interesting questions beyond the confines of the school curriculum.
Entering an essay in our competition can build knowledge, and refine skills of argumentation. It also gives students the chance to have their work assessed by experts. All of our essay prizes are judged by senior academics from the University of oxford. The judges will choose their favourite essay from each subject category and an overall 'best essay' across seven subjects: Philosophy, Politics, Economics, History, Psychology, Theology and Law.
1. 官网:
2. 去年的比赛结果以及获奖范文:https://www.johnlockeinstitute.com/2019-essay-prize-results
3. 参赛要求:
Open Category(公开组):参赛者须在截止日期时18周岁及以下(也就是还没过19周岁的生日)。
Junior Category(青年组):参赛者须在截止日期时14周岁及以下(也就是还没过15周岁的生日)。
4. 截止日期:2020.7.15 星期三(2020 round)
5. 比赛奖励:
6. 提交要求:
Pdf文件的标题:SURNAME(姓氏-大写), First Name(名字) (e.g. POPHAM, Alexander).
7. 时间线
Wednesday, 15 July 2020: Submission deadline (截止日期)
Friday, 31 July: Short-listed candidates notified (通知入围者)
Winners will be announced at the award ceremony in Oxford (颁奖仪式在牛津大学举行,时间另行通知)
8. 评选标准与写作要求
Entry Requirements
Entry is open to students from any country and any school. Candidates must be eighteen years old, or younger, on the date of the submission deadline, 15 July 2020. (Candidates for the Junior Prize must be fourteen years old, or younger, on the date of the submission deadline.)
Each essay should address only one of the questions in your chosen subject category, and must not exceed 2000 words (not counting diagrams, tables of data, footnotes, bibliography or authorship declaration). Please submit your essay, saved in pdf format, through our website. The title of the pdf attachment should read SURNAME, First Name (e.g. POPHAM, Alexander).
There is a prize for the best essay in each subject category. Each subject prize is worth £100, and the essays will be published (with the authors' permission) on the Institute website. The prize-giving ceremony will take place in Oxford, at which winners and runners-up will be able to meet the judges and other faculty members of the John Locke Institute. Family, friends and teachers are also welcome, subject to capacity constraints.
The candidate who submits the best essay overall will be awarded an honorary John Locke Institute Junior Fellowship, worth £500.
Essays will be judged on the level of knowledge and understanding of the relevant material, the quality of argumentation, the structure, writing style and persuasive force. Candidates are advised to answer the question as precisely and directly as possible.
Philosophy 哲学
Q1. Is intuition to philosophy as observation is to science?
Q2. Are there circumstances under which an employer has a moral duty to pay her employee more than they agreed in the employment contract?
Q3. Can good art make one a better person? (Professor Roger Teichman, University of Oxford)
Politics 政治学
Q1. Governments do a lot of things, such as collecting taxes and drafting people into the military, that we would object to individuals doing. Can this be justified? (Professor David Friedman, Santa Clara University)
Q2. There are some things it is legal to give away but illegal to sell. Should this distinction exist?
Q3. American citizens give away more than $300 billion each year in charitable donations. Only a tiny fraction of this (less than 0.001%) is donated to federal, state, and local governments. Politicians claim that they spend taxpayers' money efficiently, to accomplish the most good with the budgets at their disposal. But if this were true wouldn't governments be able to compete more successfully with private charities? What are the implications of your answer?
Economics 经济学
Q1. What is the socially efficient level of crime? (Professor Daniel d'Amico, Brown University)
Q2. Does unilateral free trade serve a nation's economic interests? (Professor Donald Boudreaux, George Mason University)
Q3. What are the most important economic effects - good and bad - of forced redistribution? How should this inform government policy?
History 历史学
Q1. How is the modern world different from previous periods of history and why did it come into existence when and where it did? (Dr Stephen Davies, Institute of Economic Affairs)
Q2. Is a strong state a prerequisite or an obstacle to economic growth? (Professor Terence Kealey, economic historian, University of Buckingham)
Q3. How did there come to be so many prisoners in the United States?
Law 法律
Q1. Do the underlying principles of common law require that juries be informed about jury nullification?
Q2. Why is racial discrimination illegal on employment websites but not on social websites such as Facebook or Tinder?
Q3. Does a law that prohibits the selling of sex protect or infringe women's rights?
Psychology 心理学
Q1. Isn't all reasoning (outside mathematics and formal logic) motivated reasoning?
Q2. According to evolutionary psychology, we are evolved to believe what is useful, whether or not what is useful is always also what is true. How can we resist the tendency to believe what is evolutionarily adaptive at the expense of truth? And would it increase or diminish human flourishing to do so?
Q3. Are the psychological differences between genders greater or smaller than those between sexes?
Theology 神学
Q1. According to C.S. Lewis, 'a man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher.' If Jesus was not God Incarnate, what was he?
Q2. Many people have committed acts, execrated and deplored by others, in obedience to sincerely held beliefs. Can we reasonably ask anyone to do better than simply to obey his own conscience?
Q3. Is Islam a religion of peace?
1. 展现学术兴趣,
2. 展示学术才能,
3. 锻炼学术写作技能
4. 锻炼学术研究技能——搜索整理资料、归纳整合成文的能力
5. 宝贵的学术经历,广受国际认可,能作为申英(不少成功进入牛津剑桥的学长学姐曾经参加过,有些获奖)、申美的活动列表和文书的素材
6. 一旦入围,能获得公费在牛津大学参与学术活动与颁奖仪式的机会
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