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36711 人参与  2021年08月31日 16:20  分类 : 数据汇总  评论

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As an advanced and high-end platform of international educational recourses and services, KingLead is a promoter of international school ranking evaluation, brand media, and scientific research education. KingLead has been conducting continuous and in-depth research and analysis on the competitiveness of international schools in China, deeply exploring the characteristics of international schools. KingLead is committed to optimizing evaluation standards of international schools, facilitating industrial upgrading, and promoting the cultivation of international innovative talents.

On August 27th, 2021, China International School Characteristics Ranking·2020 is released by Kinglead, which is the fourth year that KingLead releases the annual rankings of Chinese International Schools. Based on available public data and exclusive data from KingLead Research Institute, KingLead rankings evaluate international schools through quantitative modeling, comprehensive weighted score, field studies by the expert research team, etc.

2020中国国际学校“特色”排行榜:深国交轻松夺取“英式特色”榜首  数据 排名 第13张

At KingLead International School Competitiveness Ranking Conference & Nobel Innovation Forum in December 2020, KingLead grandly released the 2020 China International School Competitiveness Rankingthe 2020 China International School Brand Value Top 100, and the 2020 China International School Innovation Competitiveness Top 100. As a selection highlighting the brand positioning and running characteristics of China International Schools, the characteristics ranking list of China International Schools released this time is expected by the majority of parents.

Research Background

According to KingLead Research Institute, the amount of international schools in China have increased from less than 100 to more than 1,500 in the past 20 years. International schools have entered the brand era. With the increasing diversity of youth development goals and the expectation of personalized experience, simply featuring "international", "English", and "foreign teachers" is no longer enough to meet the needs of international education for the majority of families. Having clear brand positioning and prominent characteristics has become a trend of international school development.

Research Object

China International School Characteristics Ranking·2020 selected schools that apply international high school curriculum and whose students aim to pursue further education abroad. Schools in this ranking include the international department of public schools, private schools, and schools for children of foreign personnel in China. 

Reviewed by Experts, 

Released by KingLead

China International School Characteristics Ranking·2020 was reviewed by chair professors of Harvard University, University of Cambridge, and University of Oxford, as well as education experts from KingLead, who have a deep understanding of international education. KingLead took the responsibility of making and releasing the ranking list. This ranking has quantitatively analyzed public data of schools and conducted field studies. Meanwhile,  the process of this research was opened for data and materials from schools, and more than hundreds of  international schools had submitted relevant materials.

10 Themes of Ranking

China International School Characteristics Ranking·2020 consists of 10 rankings with different themes: scientific research, leadership, humanities, mathematics, American education, British education, Chinese culture, art, sports, languages. Each ranking concentrates on one theme, and the characteristics of schools are ranked respectively.

List of China International School Characteristics Ranking·2020

Arrangement description: The selected schools in the ten thematic lists of the China International Schools' Characteristic Ranking List are in no particular order.


China International School

Research Characteristics Ranking

2020中国国际学校“特色”排行榜:深国交轻松夺取“英式特色”榜首  数据 排名 第14张

Scientific literacy is a quality for future talents. Scientific technology and innovation will bring a brighter future. Therefore, teenagers have to obtain scientific literacy, even if they might not choose to be a scientist. To develop scientific literacy, it is necessary to follow mentors who have global vision and influence, gaining their recognition. Scientific research experience can inspire creativity and passion within young students and encourage them to face challenges and difficulties. It is an opportunity for teenagers to exchange thoughts and ideas with top scholars. Scientific research education is essential for international schools to cultivate students with qualities for the future.


China International School

Leadership Characteristics Ranking

2020中国国际学校“特色”排行榜:深国交轻松夺取“英式特色”榜首  数据 排名 第15张

Valued by top universities in the world, leadership is a core ability for future talents. The future will be an era for talents, and leadership will be the key to facilitate social development and technology innovation. For international schools, the potential of cultivating future talents can be reflected in the process and results of developing the leadership skills of students.


China International School

Humanities Characteristics Ranking

2020中国国际学校“特色”排行榜:深国交轻松夺取“英式特色”榜首  数据 排名 第16张

Humanistic literacy is an essential necessary literacy for future development. The mission of the humanities is to teach people how to think and choose. The normal curriculum and activity provide students with information and knowledge. Mathematical training inspires wisdom, humanities education leads people to have their own point of view - the analysis of information, find the authenticity of the information, put forward their position. Humanity education allows international school students to fully tap their potential.


China International School

Mathematical Characteristics Ranking

2020中国国际学校“特色”排行榜:深国交轻松夺取“英式特色”榜首  数据 排名 第17张

Mathematical thinking is one of the key qualities of future talents. Mathematics is not only a subject but a comprehensive thinking model, providing people with ways to solve problems and build a foundation of exploring the essence and the underlying principles. Only those who can solve problems for society can be called talents. Training for a high level of thinking ability will profoundly affect the long-term development of young people in their future careers. Mathematical education is significant for cultivating talents among international schools. 


China International School

American Characteristics Ranking

2020中国国际学校“特色”排行榜:深国交轻松夺取“英式特色”榜首  数据 排名 第18张

American education is currently one of the mainstream ways of talent cultivation in international schools. America's elite schools advocate that students should have dreams and goals, do what they love, have the courage to try and challenge, and pay attention to all-around development. Students should not only excel in academic achievement and writing ability, but also temper their willpower and cultivate leadership, creativity, risk-taking spirit, and critical spirit through extensive extracurricular experience, such as research, social activities, physical training. The International schools with prominent American characteristics are more beneficial to young people who tend to enter American universities.



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