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学生代表在毕业典礼上的发言|We did it!

9449 人参与  2019年06月20日 08:51  分类 : 学在深国交  评论

学生代表在毕业典礼上的发言|We did it! 深国交 深国交深圳国际交流学院 毕业季 深圳国际交流学院 第1张


我是黄星越,今年的头男Head Boy。我是吴以琳,今年的头女Head Girl。

四年。在这个小但可爱的学校度过了四年。我们不曾忘记G1时聚在后门的8+8 喊着要一份大鸡排,不曾忘记所有关于金马食堂的玩笑,也不曾忘记一年又一 年对新校区的期待。在SCIE度过的四年里,我们成长了。还记得在一开始的G1,我们也许还不敢跟外教讲话,也许还因为Camping,SGT之类的活动而感 到兴奋。现在,我们成为了老司机,一边考着紧张的国际考,一边和同学们在吃鸡和王者荣耀里开黑,或者在复习夹缝之余看着老爸老妈浪漫史和权力的游戏。就像小太阳的SCIE生存指南里说的,我们活下来了。

在国交,我们有着许多难忘的经历。我们拍摄了第一个 一镜到底 视频来宣传着 我们对国交的热爱。我们给橘胖创造了一个温馨的家。我们一共募集了将近70000 RMB给慈善机构,帮助需要的女生上学与工作。在这里,我们特别感谢 今年的学长团在他们最忙碌的一年抽出时间来帮助学校和国交学生。没有了他 们,就不会有慈善行,猥琐舞,毕业季,等等等等..

我相信我们都不是很满意权力的游戏最后一季.. 但我们的最后一季,也许是更 好的。在国交的1400天里,A2的种种回忆还记忆如新。我们独特的超人舞,在 水围1368度过的每一个午餐和晚餐,在毕业周玩到忘我..一位著名的企业家与 慈善家托尼斯塔克曾经说过,“寸金难买寸光阴”。的确,我们可能永远都无法 感受与SCIE2019届一起的这种温暖了。但是,无论将要走向何方,我们都希望 珍惜那些青涩的高中回忆。


我想首先借用我们敬爱的数学导师理查德先生的一些人生顿悟。在每一节琐碎 而精彩的数学课上,他都坚持不懈地努力向我们传授一个做人做事,以及解数学题的基本道理,即“答案多而冗杂则谬也”。如果你允许我为他的说辞换一种笼统的解释,那便是“别想那么多~”。当面对任何过于复杂的事情,或陷入难以 对付的困境时,你需要做的事情便是深吸一又气,调整一下自己的坐姿,闭上眼睛,感受世间的风起云涌、沉浮俯仰,此时此刻再睁开眼睛,你可能便得到了答案- 就像解决数学问题一般简单。

诺贝尔物理学奖获得者,著名物理学家谢尔顿库珀博士曾将他在公寓里的座位 视为他的专座。他说,在一个不断变化的世界中,这是唯一的不动点。现在, 我希望将SCIE看作为我们的不动点。如果所有国交的学生的一生都可以表达为四维笛卡尔坐标轴的函数,那么我们可以将我们踏入皇岗公园一街18号的深圳国际教学院的那一刻起看作那个原点,无论将来我们漂泊到了世界的哪个角落都不会改变。

作为高中毕业生,我相信我们对未来多多少少都有点规划。有的同学呢,一生都已经规划好了- 毕业,大学,研究生,工作,婚姻... 有的同学,已经有个大致的职业方向,想成为律师,科学家,医生,导演·····有的同学,也可能只想平安的读完大学。但不管怎么样,我相信我们都不会忘掉在这四年里帮我们度过了难关的每一个人,不管是老师,同学,还是家人。对他们,我们要说一声谢谢。对SCIE 2019届,我们想说,恭喜大家,我们成功了! 毕业快乐。



学生代表在毕业典礼上的发言|We did it! 深国交 深国交深圳国际交流学院 毕业季 深圳国际交流学院 第2张

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen:

I’m Scott, this year’s head boy. And I’m Elim, this year’s head girl.

Four years. That’s the time we spent as students in this ‘pequeno pero bonito’, or small but pretty, school. I remember when we gathered around the west gate, at 8+8 ordering snacks after class. I remember all the jokes we made about how bad the food was in the Golden Horse(金马) cafeteria. I also remember waiting, (and continue to wait) for the new campus to be constructed. In the time we’ve spent at SCIE, we’ve grown. From newcomers excited to speak to expats or for our once-in-a-lifetime G1 Camp, to ‘old drivers’ who can easily take on the intense CIE examinations with one hand and play games like PUBG and LOL or watch tv shows like Game of Thrones and How I Met Your Mother with the other. Just like Sean’s survival guide, we have survived. But we have also prospered.

Hopefully, our time in SCIE will never be forgotten. The very first and only Lipdub video that portrayed our SCIE school spirit. The sweet home we provided for our school cat: ‘Ginger(橘胖)’. As a school, we raised nearly 70000 RMB for Captivating International and the Seng girls, providing many girls with an invaluable opportunity to start their own career as employed woman. We’d like to give a special thanks to our prefect body, who, in their busiest year, devoted time and effort to help SCIE students. Without them, there would be no Charity Walks, no Superman Dance, no Senior Week, no G1 Orientation...

As we all know, the final season of Game of Thrones was NOT... really satisfactory, but our final season in SCIE was. I mean, was WAY better. Of all 1400 days spent in SCIE, I think it’s safe to say that the memories of A2 are the most fresh. Our original Superman Dance with the song This is Me; every meal spent in 1368 of Shuiwei village, every use of our ‘golden finger’, and that time when we almost lost our minds during Senior week because of all the fun. The famous ‘Genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist’ Mr. Tony Stark once said: ‘No amount of money ever bought a second of time.’ Surely, we will never experience the intimacy as the class of 2019 in SCIE again, as we approach the very end of our high-school journey. However, we hope to always cherish the memories spent as young and naïve SCIE students, no matter where we’re heading.

It's a typical farewell time. And yes, that calls for some cheesy, but inspiring, quotes.

I would like to first borrow some wisdom words from our beloved Mathematics mentor Sir Richard. In every ordinary mathematics lesson, he has relentlessly and avidly tried to convey to us the principle of living and working, and solving Mathematics questions, that "Long solutions are wrong solutions." If you allow me to make a simpler translation of his saying, it would be "to take it easy". When facing anything too complex, or getting into a conundrum that is impossible to deal with, what you need to do is take a deep breath, sit back in your seat a little, and even meditate - just like when solving maths problems.

The Nobel Prize Winning physicist Dr. Sheldon Cooper once regarded his seat in his apartment as his spot. He said that in an ever-changing world, it is the single point of consistency. Now, I want to see SCIE as our single point of consistency. If the lives of all SCIErs can be expressed as a function on a four- dimensional Cartesian system, the moment we stepped into 18 Huanggang Park 1st street Shenzhen College of International Education would be the origin, and it will never change no matter what corner of the world we are going to.

As high school graduates, I’m sure we all have plans for our future. Some have their entire lives laid out- college, masters, job, marriage... Some have a bright career plan ahead of them, hoping to become doctors, scientists, businessmen, directors. Some just hope to get through college. Nevertheless, we will never forget, and will be forever grateful to those who has given us a hand in every hardship we’ve encountered in SCIE- our friends, our teachers, and our family. Congratulations and Happy Graduation to the SCIE Class of 2019, and to those who have helped us get here. SCIE 2019, we did it!

Thank you. Have a nice evening.

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 深国交



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