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Financial Express No. 32 | 苹果股价暴跌7%,市值跌破万亿美元

13094 人参与  2018年11月12日 17:07  分类 : 深国交金融社  评论


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Financial Express No. 32 | 苹果股价暴跌7%,市值跌破万亿美元 深国交 学在国交 深国交金融社 第1张


Financial Express No. 32 | 苹果股价暴跌7%,市值跌破万亿美元 深国交 学在国交 深国交金融社 第2张


Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday met with representatives of foreign entrepreneurs attending the first China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai.*Noting that this year marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up, Xi said China is working with the international community to build a community with a shared future for humanity.

China has introduced a series of opening-up policies and will roll out more such policies, and hosting the CIIE is just one of them, he said.For problems appearing in the process of China’s deepening cooperation with other countries, we will solve them through reform and opening-up, and overcome them while moving forward, he said.*China will continue to offer a good environment for foreign companies investing and operating in China, Xi said, adding that firms from all countries are welcome to share opportunities created by China’s development and achieve mutual benefits and win-win results.The six-day event starting Monday is the world’s first import-themed national-level expo.

Financial Express No. 32 | 苹果股价暴跌7%,市值跌破万亿美元 深国交 学在国交 深国交金融社 第3张


Financial Express No. 32 | 苹果股价暴跌7%,市值跌破万亿美元 深国交 学在国交 深国交金融社 第4张


The day money vanished: Indians dispute whether Modi’s radical economic experiment was worth it

In the United States, Nov. 8, 2016, is remembered as the day Donald Trump was elected president. In India, it is the day that cash disappeared.Exactly two years ago, India embarked on one of the boldest economic policy moves the world has seen in decades: The government abruptly invalidated the two most popular bank notes in circulation in what Prime Minister Narendra Modi described as a strike against corruption and illegal assets. The result was chaos as Indians rushed to exchange useless bills for new ones.Now the battle over the legacy of “demonetization,” as it is known in India, is raging once again. “Today is a day to remember how economic misadventures can roil the nation for a long time and understand that economic policymaking should be handled with thought and care,” Singh, a member of the Indian National Congress, stated.

Financial Express No. 32 | 苹果股价暴跌7%,市值跌破万亿美元 深国交 学在国交 深国交金融社 第5张


Financial Express No. 32 | 苹果股价暴跌7%,市值跌破万亿美元 深国交 学在国交 深国交金融社 第6张


Apple Shares Plunged 7 Percent And Its Market Value Dropped Below $trillion

Apple briefly lost its USD 1tn valuation last Thursday when its shares fell 7% in after-hours trading despite posting record results. Revenues rose 20% to USD 62.9bn year-on-year, and profits rose 31% to USD 14.1bn. But a warning of possible weaker sales in coming months sparked a share price slide after official trading ended. The total number of smartphones sold by all makers globally declined for the first time in 2017. But Apple’s strategy of charging higher prices for its phones has helped it to shrug off flagging demand.

Financial Express No. 32 | 苹果股价暴跌7%,市值跌破万亿美元 深国交 学在国交 深国交金融社 第7张


Financial Express No. 32 | 苹果股价暴跌7%,市值跌破万亿美元 深国交 学在国交 深国交金融社 第8张

微软前CEO鲍尔默说,90%的中国公司都在使用微软的操作系统,但实际上只有1%的公司在为此付费,中国必须结束盗版。鲍尔默周四对福克斯商业频道的玛丽亚.巴蒂罗姆说:“我天生就是一个自由贸易者。 但知识产权是一个棘手的问题,因为很明显,这些规定不适用于中国,美国政府需要行动起来。”盗版不仅是一个外交政策问题,它还影响到投资者利益。他说:“没有来自美国政府的压力,微软公司无法从中国得到超过100亿美元的利润。”

Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said 90 percent of companies in China are using the Microsoft operating system, though only 1 percent are actually paying for it. Ballmer says the theft has to end. “I’m a free trader, by nature. I went to the school of economics – it’s the best thing for the world,” Ballmer told FOX Business’ Maria Bartiromo on Thursday. “This one’s a tricky issue because it’s absolutely clear that the rules don’t apply in China, and the U.S. government needs to do something.”Not only is the theft a foreign policy issue, it impacts investors as well.“Without any pressure from the U.S. government – we are talking about $10 billion plus, for example, in Microsoft that would go into profit,” he said.

Financial Express No. 32 | 苹果股价暴跌7%,市值跌破万亿美元 深国交 学在国交 深国交金融社 第9张


Financial Express No. 32 | 苹果股价暴跌7%,市值跌破万亿美元 深国交 学在国交 深国交金融社 第10张


On November 2nd, Alibaba disclosed its second-quarter results for fiscal year 2019. Investors are most concerned about revenue growth of more than 50 percent.In today’s international and domestic economic environment, the growth rate of Internet giants has slowed down sharply, Alibaba’s growth rate of more than 50 per cent is surprising. As Zhang Yong, chief executive, attributes it to: “the synergies from the various businesses show the power of the digital economy of Alibaba.”

Financial Express No. 32 | 苹果股价暴跌7%,市值跌破万亿美元 深国交 学在国交 深国交金融社 第11张


Financial Express No. 32 | 苹果股价暴跌7%,市值跌破万亿美元 深国交 学在国交 深国交金融社 第12张

当地时间11月9日,中共中央政治局委员、中央外事工作委员会办公室主任杨洁篪在华盛顿主持第二轮中美外交安全对话后,同国务委员兼国防部长魏凤和,以及美国国务卿蓬佩奥和国防部长马蒂斯共同会见记者。杨洁篪表示,中美经贸关系的本质是互利共赢。双方在经贸领域存在的问题,是两国经济结构、产业分工和发展阶段不同造成的,应通过对话协商妥善加以解决。中方对话协商的大门始终敞开。希望双方团队按照两国元首日前通话精神,在平等、诚信基础上加强接触沟通,推动达成双方都能接受的解决方案。On November 9 local time, Yang jiechi, a member of the political bureau of the communist party of China (CPC) central committee and director of the office of the central committee for foreign affairs of the communist party of China (CPC) central committee, together with state councilor and defense minister wei fenghe, as well as U.S. secretary of state peng peo and defense minister mattis, met with journalists after hosting the second round of china-us diplomatic and security dialogue in Washington. Yang said the nature of china-us economic and trade relations is mutually beneficial and win-win. The economic and trade problems between the two countries are caused by their different economic structures, industrial division of labor and stage of development. They should be properly solved through dialogue and consultation. China’s door for dialogue and consultation has always been open. It is hoped that the two teams will strengthen contact and communication on the basis of equality and integrity in accordance with the spirit of the two heads of state’s recent phone calls, and push for the conclusion of a solution acceptable to both sides.

Financial Express No. 32 | 苹果股价暴跌7%,市值跌破万亿美元 深国交 学在国交 深国交金融社 第13张

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